This article from the Okinawa Times talks about us. In particular it deals with the Okinawa Traditional Karate competition (which took place in Milan last April), the future 1st Okinawan National Karate and Kobudo Tournament, and the work of spreading the Okinawan culture, carried on for years , with passion and sacrifice, from our group.
This is yet another proof that in Okinawa they are interested in the work done by our group, and this can only motivate us further.
Within a few years we created an istitution that did not exist before, a veritable institution of Okinawan Traditional Karate in Italy. We have concretized what seemed a utopian project, and we have made it grow from year to year. The Okinawans themselves are surprised that different schools can really cooperate, and not collaborate only theoretically. The events organized and the benefits obtained for our discipline, in Italy, cannot be counted, and the future holds new challenges and new surprises.4
We go forward united and compact, working in friendship and with humility and respect, without caring about the "haters". Only then will we always be able to transform every goal into a new starting point.