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Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai

+39 3497345130


The Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai opens its European section!

10/06/2019 12:48
With the passage of time, our institution has cultivated constructive relationships with many masters residing in other European countries, obtaining more and more credit also abroad. To date, in fact, the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai is known as the top national reality concerning Okinawan martial arts, not only from Italy and Okinawa institutions, but also from many great European masters. So why not stabilize existing relationships by creating a network of contacts, as well as a European structure? Thus a new sector is born within our group, namely the European section!
By working humbly and actively, we can grow Okinawan martial arts not only in Italy, but also in Europe. The idea that there are schools or styles superior to others is wrong and anachronistic. The only distinction that must be made is between valid and non-valid masters, bearing in mind that to be considered valid it is also necessary to be morally upright people, which is increasingly rare in our environment.
Our group is ready for this new challenge, launched towards the future, but with an eye to the past and the "mind" here in the present.