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The 5th Kobudo Gasshuku - Special edition

08/11/2022 15:46
The fifth edition of this event, the first to last all day, was hosted in the Settimo headquarters of the Italian Center for Traditional Shorin-ryu Karate in Okinawa. It was a special edition, totally dedicated to the Bojutsu of the lineage of Taira sensei, although there were also interesting interventions related to other martial arts.
The seminar started with a beautiful Kyudo ceremony (Japanese archery), organized by the Kyudo Torino association. The three archers made several shots, showing and explaining the characteristics of their martial art and their weapons. A sincere thanks to Giuseppe Mingolla sensei, to the vice-instructor Alessandro Zaniolo and to the President of the Cesare Della Sala association.
The first hour of the seminar was then entirely supervised by Matteo Brianti sensei (Moncalieri), who gave a detailed technical explanation of the kata Shushi no kun sho of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan school, then guiding the entire group in the execution of the kata. The form was followed by a series of applications extracted from it, which the participants were able to perform working in pairs.
The second hour was directed by the "landlord", Emanuel Giordano sensei, who led the group in the execution of Taira sensei's Shushi no kun, the kata at the origin of today's Shushi no kun sho. The various differences between the two kata were highlighted and explained, after which we moved on to work in pairs on the applications of this particular kata.
The third hour saw Alessio Bombardini sensei (Tuscany) leading the group in the execution of the Shushi no kun dai of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan school. Also in this case, in addition to the mere study of the form, the various technical nuances were examined, as well as the different applications of the kata.
After the lunch break, the first hour was spent reviewing Taira sensei's Shushi no kun and introducing Mutsu Mizuho sensei's Shushi no kun (Oshiro Chojo lineage). This second kata was shown by one of the participants in the seminar, Matteo Muratori sensei (Emilia Romagna).
The penultimate hour was entirely dedicated to kumibo. In this case, different versions of the 12 Bo tai Bo were examined, a demonstration of bogu kumibo (fighting with padded sticks and body protections) was made, and finally, the practitioners engaged in a free fight (light contact) with their own Bo.
The seminar ended with an hour of Jojutsu (short stick), led by the Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren kai association of Turin. After a short performance of kumijo, the group tried to practice the first Jo tai Jo, appreciating the similarities and differences between the Jo and the Bo. Thanks to Stefano di Carlo sensei and the instructor Alessandro Zaniolo.
It was undoubtedly a special and very interesting event, which was attended by about twenty people from Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. Unfortunately, the first colds caused several last minute absences, both among the members and among the teachers, but despite this the event was a success, especially thanks to the friendly and relaxed atmosphere, which allowed for wonderful moments of technical exchange. and comparison.
The special event will definitely be repeated, in addition to the regular Kobudo Gasshuku series seminars.
The fifth edition of this event, the first to last all day, was hosted in the Settimo headquarters of the Centro italiano per il Karate Tradizionale Shorin-ryu di Okinawa. It was a special edition, totally dedicated to the Bojutsu of the lineage of Taira sensei, although there were also interesting interventions related to other martial arts.
The seminar started with a beautiful Kyudo ceremony (Japanese archery), organized by the Kyudo Torino association. The three archers made several shots, showing and explaining the characteristics of their martial art and their weapons. A sincere thanks to Giuseppe Mingolla sensei, to the vice-instructor Alessandro Zaniolo and to the President of the association Cesare Della Sala.
The first hour of the seminar was then entirely supervised by Matteo Brianti sensei (Moncalieri), who gave a detailed technical explanation of the kata Shushi no kun sho of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan school, then guiding the entire group in the execution of the kata. The form was followed by a series of applications extracted from it, which the participants were able to perform working in pairs.
The second hour was directed by the "landlord", Emanuel Giordano sensei, who led the group in the execution of Taira sensei's Shushi no kun, the kata at the origin of today's Shushi no kun sho. The various differences between the two kata were highlighted and explained, after which we moved on to work in pairs on the applications of this particular kata.
The third hour saw Alessio Bombardini sensei (Tuscany) leading the group in the execution of the Shushi no kun dai of the Ryukyu Kobudo Shimbukan school. Also in this case, in addition to the mere study of the form, the various technical nuances were examined, as well as the different applications of the kata.
After the lunch break, the first hour was spent reviewing Taira sensei's Shushi no kun and introducing Mutsu Mizuho sensei's Shushi no kun (Oshiro Chojo lineage). This second kata was shown by one of the participants in the seminar, Matteo Muratori sensei (Emilia Romagna).
The penultimate hour was entirely dedicated to kumibo. In this case, different versions of the 12 Bo tai Bo were examined, a demonstration of bogu kumibo (fighting with padded sticks and body protections) was made, and finally, the practitioners engaged in a free fight (light contact) with their own Bo.
The seminar ended with an hour of Jojutsu (short stick), led by the Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren kai association of Turin. After a short performance of kumijo, the group tried to practice the first Jo tai Jo, appreciating the similarities and differences between the Jo and the Bo. Thanks to Stefano di Carlo sensei and the instructor Alessandro Zaniolo.
It was undoubtedly a special and very interesting event, which was attended by about twenty people from Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. Unfortunately, the first colds caused several last minute absences, both among the members and among the teachers, but despite this the event was a success, especially thanks to the friendly and relaxed atmosphere, which allowed for wonderful moments of technical exchange and comparison.
The special event will definitely be repeated, in addition to the regular Kobudo Gasshuku seminars.

Morning and afternoon groups