The seminar took place from 24th to 26th June 2022. Just like last year it was a free webinar, attended by 372 karatekas from all over the world. Unfortunately it is a difficult period for Europe (war, energy and economic crisis), and for these reasons some teachers did not want to teach during the event. The feeling of unity and peace in Europe has become very weak in recent months, but for these very reasons we made sure that the seminar was held anyway. During the seminar they taught: Stefano Carreri sensei (Okikukai Uechi-ryu), Matteo Brianti sensei (Goju-ryu), Gaetano Palumbo sensei (Okikukai Uechi-ryu), me (Shidokan Shorin-ryu) and Santiago Sacaba sensei (Seitokan Shorin-ryu). The masters of Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai were also joined by a "guest" teacher, member of the polish federation and member of IOGKF: Jerzy Labinski sensei. Labinski sensei taught on Friday. The teachers taught junbi-undo, tai-kitae, kata, bunkai, kata applications, yakusoku kumite, hojo-undo, etc.