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3nd seminar The Shuri-te - the hand of Shuri with Maeshiro Morinobu sensei 10° dan

11/11/2018 11:30

The third edition of the seminar "Lo Shuri-te - the hand of Shuri" took place, with great success, in Turin (Settimo Torinese) on 10 and 11 November 2018. The seminar organized by Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai (the Italian group of study of Traditional Okinawan Karate) and by the Italian Center for Traditional Shorin-ryu Karate of Okinawa, realized thanks to the patronage of Traditional Karate of Okinawa CSEN, saw the participation of karateka coming from different Italian regions. Practitioners from Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta, Lombardy, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Lazio, Umbria and Campania shared this fantastic two-day experience. Many schools and styles are present, such as Shorin-ryu (Shidokan, Kyudokan, Seitokan, Karate-do Miyazato, Shorinji-ryu, Matsumura Shorin-ryu, etc.), Uechi-ryu Okikukai, Shotokan and Kyokushinkai. A special thanks goes to those who have done the longest travel than everyone, even coming from Moscow for the second year in a row!

The absolute protagonist of this event was Maeshiro Morinobu sensei (10th dan Shidokan Shorin-ryu), who, assisted by his Italian pupil Emanuel Giordano sensei, guided practitioners inside Shuri-te, the style derived from the ancient Ti of the Okinawan warrior nobility. Both days started with a series of warm-up exercises, followed by what in Okinawa represents 90% of the word Kihon, that is the preparatory exercises for the correct martial use of the body, which are fundamental to make the techniques work and the combat strategies, to teach the importance of the correct structure, and to strengthen the body (in particular muscles that are little used, but indispensable for martial practice) keeping it healthy. These exercises were taught to participants by Emanuel Giordano sensei, who presented them with the help of instructor Manuel Vignola, under the watchful eye of Maeshiro sensei.

In the two days we worked on the three Naihanchi (Tekki), the five Pinan (Heian) and on Itosu no Passai (Bassai), analyzing various bunkai (applications) for each kata. Between one kata and another, space was given for questions, to which Maeshiro sensei responded in a comprehensive and sincere manner. There were also applications of Tuidi (joint manipulation), Tegumi (fighting and throwing), or those involving the stimulation of the "vital" points (Chibu nigakiree), or the very short distance combat. Through this type of work, the typical principles of Shuri-te / Shorin-ryu were illustrated, such as the muchimi-di (sticky hands), the fearsome short-distance counterattacks, or the small tai-sabaki. The concept of absorption of the force of enemy attacks (kyushu), and the use of the body to deflect blows are particularly fascinating for practitioners of other styles.

The serene and friendly atmosphere allowed everyone to learn and have fun, in mutual respect and with humility. Everyone returned home enriched by this experience, with a certificate of participation signed, and with a few more bruises as a testimony of the work done. Those who wish to learn more about this type of Karate, and continue to learn Shuri-te, can contact our school to participate in the courses and / or monthly seminars directed by Emanuel Giordano sensei.

We thank all the participants, in particular the instructor Okochi Kazuki who has lent himself as a translator, and we thank Maeshiro Morinobu sensei for the teachings and for the trust he shows in the Italian group directed by his student Emanuel Giordano sensei.