Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November 2017, at one of our schools (Italian Center for Traditional Shorin-ryu Karate of Okinawa),the second edition of the seminar "Lo Shuri-te - the hand of Shuri" was held, with the Master Maeshiro Morinobu 9th dan Hanshi Shidokan Shorin-ryu.
The seminar, organized in collaboration with the Italian Center for Traditional Shorin-ryu Karate of Okinawa,
and the Traditional Karate of Okinawa CSEN, was a success! Maeshiro sensei again visited the city of Turin in the company of members of the Italian Center for Traditional Shorin-ryu Karate, who also took advantage of the opportunity to train privately with the Master.
The numerous practitioners arrived from different regions of Italy, and one, Karate Kyokushinkai Master and champion, even came from Moscow (Russia)! Also this year Maeshiro sensei has worked hard on the preparatory exercises for the martial use of the body, on the Shorin-ryu katas and their applications. always leaving time for questions and technical and historical explanations.
The whole event took place in a serene and friendly atmosphere, bringing together martial artists from different disciplines and styles, in fact there were Shorin-ryu practitioners (about 7 different schools and styles), Shotokan (various federations), Shito-ryu, Kyokushinkai and Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun Kun.
Maeshiro sensei, as always, did not neglect anyone, passing personally to correct the various practitioners (also thanks to the help of the master Emanuel Giordano, his direct student). Many were amazed at the humility and kindness of Maeshiro sensei, so much so that someone, used to another approach by the Japanese masters, did not expect the master to use the same locker room as the practitioners!
Bruises and fatigue did not stop the enthusiasm of the participants, who were able to experience the small tai sabaki of Shorin-ryu, the use of close range, the various techniques of percussion, fight and of Tuidi (techniques of submission ).
This event took place thanks to Master Maeshiro Morinobu sensei, Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai, the Italian Center for Traditional Shorin-ryu Karate and thanks to all the participants!
Video of the seminar here: