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Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai

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The 1st Okinawa Traditional Karate National Seminar - Intensive Seminar

23/01/2017 20:48

During the day of yesterday, 22/01/2017, about twenty karateka from 8 Italian regions, and practitioners of Shotokan, Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu, Goju-ryu and Uechi-ryu had the opportunity to participate at a great event: the 1st Okinawa Traditional Karate National Seminar - Intensive Seminar. Why an "Intensive Seminar"? Because our National Seminar is inspired by "Okinawa Traditional Karate and Kobudo Worldwide Seminar", which is held all years in Naha (Okinawa), and is divided into two parts, the "normal" seminar and the intensive seminar , known as "Okinawa Traditional Karate and Kobudo Worldwide Seminar - Intensive Advanced Training". That is why we have also decided to split our seminar in two sessions. 

What does intensive mean? Simple! The participants were divided into 6 groups composed of 3-4 people, and each group was followed by a different master. After an hour of practice, the groups changed their teacher until the end of 6 hours. In this way, the various masters were able to take care of all the participants, taking care of every single detail, and not leaving anyone abandoned to himself. More than a seminar could seem like 6 private lessons with 6 masters, belonging to different Karate schools of Okinawa. Needless to point out that this new way of managing a seminar (new to the Italian Karate, but already used in Okinawa) was widely welcomed by all participants as well as by masters.Exactly like have been welcomed the variety of schools, techniques, kata, application principles and training methods that have been proposed. In fact, the participants could try Shorin-ryu (present with Kobayashi, Seitokan and Matsumura Shorin-ryu), Kojo-ryu • Sinzan-ryu and Uechi-ryu. The technical program was very rich, and it included almost every aspect of Okinawan Karate, from kata to the exercises for the martial use of the body; from kitae (conditioning) to bunkai, without forgetting submission techniques, close quarter combat, fighting principles, key kata like Naihanchi and Sanchin, etc. The icing on the cake was the "seminar within the seminar", that is, the study of three different versions of the kata Passai: Itosu no passai, the Matsumura passai sho, and Tawada no passai.

Our goal is to make Karate and Okinawa culture known in Italy, and seminars such as yesterday's are one of the best method. Satisfied practitioners will now return to their dojos and their cities, talking and telling what has been done, helping us to shed light on this fantastic discipline that is Karate. We are sorry for those who have to leave before the end of the seminar as well as for some members who could not be present because of the seasonal influences and bad weather that is affecting the center of Italy. Do not worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet and practice together a good Karate! 

If you truly love Karate, come and deepen your martial path, Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai members will welcome you with open arms. 

This would not be possible if we, the members of the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai and our associates, were not tied to respect and friendship, as well as to the great passion we share, the one for Okinawa and Karate. In conclusion, we thank all the participants and all those who helped and supported us.

(here the video:

Nifedeebiru! / Thank you!