What seemed an unthinkable thing became reality. Not only has CSEN approved our project, it has also opened a new national sector, the one for OKINAWA TRADITIONAL KARATE, appointing as national referent the M ° Giordano Emanuel, founder and national manager of our group. But let's take a few steps back:
- 23/01/2016 official birth of the informal group Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai
- 05/03/2016 the news of the birth of the group is reported in the Okinawan magazine "Okinawa Karate News" No. 117
- 12-13 / 11/2016 Turin, 1st seminar "Lo Shuri-te" with Maeshiro Morinobu 9th dan hanshi
- 19/01/2017 Okinawa Dento Karate-do Shinkokai invites M ° Emanuel Giordano to a meeting
- 23/01/2017 Turin, 1st OKINAWA TRADITIONAL KARATE NATIONAL SEMINAR - Intensive Seminar (Masters: Sacaba, De Angelis, Mori, Doni, Giordano and Bonanno)
- 05/2017 article published in the Italian magazine Samurai
- 06/07/2017 first meeting between M ° Giordano and Okinawa Dento Karate-do Shinkokai
- 11/07/2017 second meeting between M ° Emanuel Giordano and Okinawa Dento Karate-do Shinkokai. Collaboration agreement between the two institutions.
- 26/09/2017 opening of the national sector at the CSEN and appointment of M ° Emanuel Giordano as national referent.
All these progresses unthinkable in less than two years from the foundation, not to mention that the next 4 and 5 November 2017 Turin will host the 2nd seminar "Lo Shuri-te" with Maeshiro Morinobu 9th dan hanshi!
But why is it so important to have a national sector entirely dedicated to Okinawan Traditional Karate? For too long, traditional Okinawan Karate has represented a negligible minority within the various karate and / or martial arts sectors, and this applies to all sports promotion bodies. Many not to be abandoned in a corner have had to compromise, participating in sports competitions and adopting the nomenclature used in Japanese Karate. Others have had to adopt technical programs not related to our discipline, or take training courses (based on Japanese Karate) to get a technical card / technical qualification recognized by CONI (which the new sector will be able to do, but organizing everything in line with the principles of our discipline).
Many others have remained deliberately on the margins of the aforementioned sectors, to have a sort of small independence, a small personal corner to take care of their own business without anyone watching over them. (In fact, many "teachers", in fact, are not true karateka and avoid confronting with their colleagues, whether they come from Japanese or Okinawan Karate. Someone has also taken some Dan in this way).
Here are the answers! The traditional Okinawan Karate national sector will allow the various members to relate with other Okinawan Karateka masters and karateka, without having to compromise with the dynamics typical of Japanese karate or sports karate. In addition, the new sector is also born to support projects (such as events and seminars for example) of those who practice traditional Okinawan Karate. moreover, the technical training courses for the various qualifications recognized by the CONI (instructor, teacher, etc.) will follow the principles and dynamics of the Traditional Karate of Okinawa. All with the support of an important body for sport promotion, the CSEN (the biggest in Italy)!
In short, the Italian traditional Okinawa Karate finally has its own home, thanks to the efforts of Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai!