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Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai

+39 3497345130



The Merit award for the diffusion of Traditional Okinawan Karate and Kobudo is a tribute to the efforts of masters who, collaborating with the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai, contribute to the spread and preservation of traditional Okinawan martial arts in Italy. This award is issued only to masters who have distinguished themselves through commitment and dedication to the goal.
  • #0001 issued to MAESHIRO MORINOBU SENSEI the 1st july 2019
  • #0002 issued to AKAMINE HIROSHI SENSEI the 15th february 2020

05/05/2024 The 6th Okinawa Traditional Karate and Kobudo National Seminar

OnSunday 5 May, the 6th Okinawa Traditional Karate and Kobudo National Seminar took place in Milan, organized by the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai, in collaboration with the Karate Tradizionale di Okinawa CSEN. It was the first national seminar organized entirely by the dojos of Lombardy, and not by the OKK Manager as in the past. The event took place with a spirit of sharing and humility, and saw the various teachers alternating in leading the group of participants, made up of around twenty karateka.
The morning began with Goju-ryu TOGKF, represented by master Davide Incarbone, the only teacher external to OKK. Subsequently it was the turn of the Uechi-ryu Okikukai, whose lesson was directed by master Stefano Carreri; the Shorin-ryu Shidokan, represented by master Emanuel Giordano; and finally the Matsumura Seito Shorin-ryu, with master Emanuele Mazzetti. After a short lunch break the seminar continued for another two hours led by masters Davide Incarbone and Gaetano Palumbo (Okikukai Uechi-ryu).
It should be underlined that each teacher willingly followed and participated in their colleagues' lessons, a sign of great interest and humility, but also of the maturity reached by the group.
Thanks to all the participants, teachers, organizers, and CSEN.


What is the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai?

Mensore! Welcome!

The Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai 沖 縄 空手 研究 会 is the Italian research, promotion and preservation group for Okinawan Karate and Kobudo.

The aims of the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai (OKK) are the diffusion of martial arts of Okinawa in Italy, their preservation and the promotion of local and national events related to Okinawan culture, in particular the NATIONAL SEMINAR OF TRADITIONAL KARATE OF OKINAWA.

The OKK is independent from institutions, organizations and national / international associations.

The members of the OKK, and their schools / associations are independent from OKK, but must share the OKK's goals (diffusion 

and preservation).

The OKK will promote these arts also through technical exchange and events also open to practitioners of other disciplines (example: Japanese Karate, martial arts in general, etc.).


History of the Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai:

Despite the OKK is "born" on Jan. 23, 2016, the idea of its creation was born early in March 2015, by Emanuel Giordano, who organized an exhibition of Okinawan Karate during the Festival of the East of Turin. The exhibition was attended by three Okinawan Karate schools located in Piedmont.
It was the first event of its kind, open to the public, made in Italy!
Afterwards Emanuel Giordano thought to expand the project, working with the staff of the Festival of the East, and making arrangements with the Okinawa Traditional Karate Liaison Bureau, creating an area dedicated to the island of Okinawa in the aforementioned event.
Within the area it would be a booth representative Okinawa, run by a small Okinawan delegation, including, among others, artists of the Ryu Kyu. All this would be "accompanied" by the performances of Okinawan Karate, by the Italian schools. The project, unfortunately, was canceled by Emanuel Giordano on July of the same year, because of the lack of promptness in responding, and in taking decisions (after 3 months of arrangements and planning), from the organizers of that festival.
It was thus coined the idea for a similar event (our annual seminar) with the help of a sports promotion institution.
Thanks to the agreements reached, the event is organized by the informal group "Okinawa Karate Kenkyukai", which has as its primary objective carrying out the event. But the annual national seminar is actually just one of the events organized by OKK ... In fact, since 2016, numerous events have been organized to promote and grow Okinawa Karate in Italy (for more info click here). The most important of these is certainly the annual seminar "THE SHURI-TE THE HAND OF SHURI", with Maeshiro Morinobu 9th dan hanshi, which is held annually in Turin.
In 2016 OKK received praise from Okinawan institutions, and in 2017 a collaboration was born between Okinawa Prefecture and OKK, a collaboration that continues today. This has made OKK the FIRST ITALIAN REALITY to collaborate officially with the Okinawa Prefecture!
Moreover, in June 2019, OKK inaugurates its European section, establishing strong and lasting relations with other teachers and schools present in Europe.

"Go ri go ho Kyo zon kyo ei "

Be reasonable and cohabit prospering together
Katsuya Miyahira sensei

Versione italiana del sito. Cliccate qui.

Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Handbook

What is the Uchinaaguchi? The Uchinaaguchi is the language of Okinawa, in use before it was replaced by the Japanese, and rarely used today, but closely related to martial arts of Okinawa.
Why write a manual for Uchinaaguchi terms? The answer can be found in this text taken from the introduction to the manual:
"By using the original language of Okinawa, karate and kobudo learners would likely gain some insight into the cultural context of Okinawan martial arts practices that would improve their understanding of Okinawan martial arts techniques."
Thanks to the efforts and work of Dr. Samantha Katherine May, and the Italian translation of Emanuel Giordano, we can provide free below the first draft of the manual. (click the link below)